I hardly have time to blog now days and most of the things on my mind that I want to say never end up in textual form. It might be because I lack the skill to convert complex thought into written form or it may be that my first language is not English --the only language I know how to read or write in. You’d think for someone who scored the highest points in his high school English (
CBSE)exam should not have such a problem, but I do. By the way, I scored an 80/100. Thought I throw in that detail just for the sake of gloating.
So, I’ve been thinking seriously about starting my own podcast. I have a few concerns or rather limitations with podcasting.
- Language: The language that I dream and swear in entirely is not either English or Urdu. It’s actually a hybrid of English, Urdu, and also in various dialects of the two. I can’t talk entirely in one language for more than 10 or 15 minutes, I get all stressed and begin to stutter. So, I’m thinking of podcasting in my everyday spoken language, which is a mix of both. Those who understand English and Urdu will be able to understand my podcast and henceforth be the default audience. And those who understand only English, lets hope I unconsciously make a transition to English entirely.
- Sound: I have come to realize that I talk too much from the nasal cavity and I can’t help it. So, that is how I will sound and so bare with me.
- Technical: Because of the one microphone, I only have the technical capability to have just one speaker and that is me. I wonder how other podcasters solved this problem without spending any money.
- Format: I’m not sure what kind of a format to go with. I’ll start with some freestyle and hope it develops into some kind of a consistent structured format. Another thing is that I can’t seem to keep the flow in a monologue. Only in a dialogue I’m able to maintain the flow in a conversation. Since, it’s going to be only me on the only one microphone so, the idea of bringing another speaker to have a dialogue is technically impossible at this point.
- Web host: I can’t seem to find a web host that will host my podcast files without a heavy charge. If some podcaster knows how to get around this problem then please let me know. In the mean time, I’m thinking of hosting my podcasting files on my PC and allow people to download them using a BitTorrent software like Azureus.
So, there you have it folks! May be I'll transcribe my podcasts completely in English on this blog.