Sunday, June 26, 2005

Rant: What Is The Deal With Drowning?

I just finished watching "The Perfect Storm" movie again for the fourth time. At the start of the movie, it said the movie is based on a true story. But, at the end of the movie the whole crew of the ship drowned and died in the storm. So, I ask you. Who survived to tell the tale from the perspective of the doomed seamen?

Speaking of drowning, I thought about the number of times I almost accidentally drowned, it comes around to at least 8 times and all in my attempts to learn how to swim. Each time I was drowning, there has always been someone to pull me out of the water. I can still recall the panic that kicks in as soon as the mind realizes the state of complete helplessness and inevitability. No matter how much breath of air I'm holding in, as soon as panic strikes it's always a reflex action to exhale and then immediately inhale, which fills the lungs with water. The disorientation caused by the water filled lungs impairs the thought process. I mean the brain somehow forgets to paddle in sync and to a specific direction. But, the last time I was drowning, I some how managed to stay calm even with the very little breath I had and paddled to safety. And oh yes, I still can't swim.

1 comment:

  1. i pride myself on how i learned how to swim:
    my uncle took off my floaties and chunked me into the deep end nd made me fight for my own survival. i reached the edge and before i could complain he picked me up and tossed me again. i learned pretty darn quick.
